Firefighter Health and Fitness Resources
As a firefighter you will find that good physical health is a must throughout your career. That being said you will see many firefighters once they get on the job let themselves go. This is why heart attacks are the number one reason for firefighter line of duty deaths.
Coming into the testing process for firefighter top physical condition is a must. You will not succeed through the testing process or the academy in poor physical health.
This resource page is here to provide information and tools to help you get into good physical health and continue to stay in good physical health.
Fitness Programs:
So lets first talk about diets. I don’t like them and I don’t have much faith in long term results from them. That is with a few exceptions. First as diet programs go, I do like and believe that it does result in good results and that program is the Keto Diet. This second diet/health program i believe in is intermittent fasting.
Now, before we go any further, I want to stress that I am not a doctor pr fitness trainer. I’m a firefighter that has used these programs and had good, healthy results from them. Talk to your doctor before starting any fitness or diet program.
A program that I found that is a great starting point for new people to the Keto diet program is The Custom Keto Diet Program. This is a program designed around you, your goals and what you enjoy eating. Watch the video below and it you are interested in more information click the link below the video.